Santa Clara County, California ARES/RACES
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Monthly Packet Message Practice

Description and Materials


Last updated: 23 Jan 2025

"New" or "Updated" are used to indicate added or modified material since the last monthly practice.

Purpose and Objectives: Updated section

This exercise provides a "dress rehersal" environment for operators to pass packet messages that simulate participation in a real event as an experienced packet operator who has been assigned as a mutual aid communicator to a ficticious served agency of Xanadu County. This is an event to provide newly trained through experienced packet operators a simulated event to help maintain their packet message passing skills. This event is not a training course.

Primary objectives for each individual:

  • Practice simulated mutual aid communicator process steps
  • Receive and follow local assignment and directions
  • Practice county procedures for package message passing of 3rd party forms, and more
  • Maintain fluency for using County standard OutpostPM and PackItForms
  • Complete and turn in all required paperwork and other required material as if it were a real event
  • Meet requirements for credential participation credit
Additional objectives for each practice:
  • Provide an opportunity to practice manual operation for P2 credential requirements
  • Maintain summary records for each monthly practice
  • As time permits,
    • provide per message per individual scoring for accuracy, completeness, and meeting EOC process flow
    • solicit and discuss practice objectives for the month, results, and gather feedback

During the course of each monthly exercise, participants will be asked to pass at least three 3rd party messages in each direction (PacketItForm) and at least three operator-to-operator messages in each direction. The simulated scenario will be different for each month. Likewise, message content and forms used will vary from other scenarios.

The four-letter acronym "mpmp" (case sensitive) is short-hand for "monthly packet message practice"

Note that within Xanadu County, the City of Xanadu is a distinct ficitious served agency. (Similar to the real-life City of Santa Clara within Santa Clara County.)

Intended Audience
and Prerequisites:
Updated section

SCCo messsage forms, procedures, and fundamentals. Participants should be familiar with:

  • SCCo Fundamentals of Emergency Communications training course
  • SCCo Field Operator Type III Part A and Part B training courses
  • All Go Kit forms and their procedures, including completenes for turn-in
  • ICS and California SEMS basic orgranizational structure
  • SCCo and city/agency organizations and relationships

County packet and BBS network. Participants should be familiar with:

  • Everything on this training page
  • Standard county packet station and use of OutpostPM and Packitforms
  • Most recent SCCo Packet Operator Type III Part A and Part B training courses and all prerequisite courses.
    • SCCo Packet Operator Type II training course familiarity is highly recommended
  • Standard Packet Message Subject Line
  • Standard Packet Check-In/Out Message
  • Retrieving new bulletins from all XSC Notice Areas and City areas, such as XND@XSC.

"Should be familiar with" means at the very least the operator/participant should have sufficient understanding of the indicated SCCo training course materials and operations material to start and complete the practice without much assistance during the practice.

Access to a packet station providing Network Access using AX.25 over VHF Amateur Radio is required.

Additional notes:

  • The event instructor is available to answer questions, provide help with any "I'm stuck" situations, and provide pointers back to training/operations to help folks complete the practice.
  • Just for Fun participation: signing up for a mpmp event as a "Just for Fun" participant means literally just having fun regardless of past county packet experience. Limited help provided from the instructor. No participation credit given for this position. Activity will not be scored. Email turn in of materials (e.g., ICS-309) not required.

If you have any questions about your experience, contact the instructor for the given monthly practice event before signing up.

Event sign up or dropping, or you want to do it again!? New Section

Signing up: scheduled mpmp events will be posted on the Training and Events caldendar. Please try to sign up before 20:00 on the Tuesday before the Wednesday start of the event. Late signups are welcome, but follow the event directions for late signups.

    Positions: select the most approprite position for your participation. Please read the description for the position to confirm expectactions: click on the position name link in the event. Not all positions will qualify for credential participation.

    The "Just for Fun" position should always be available for non-credential participation in the event.

Dropping: i.e., "Remove Me From This Event" from the event page can be done anytime before or during the event. Please email the instructor and let them know that you are dropping so records can be updated appropriately.

You want to do it again!?:

  • Additional Tactical Assignments can be requested from the instructor. As an example, if you just completed the mpmp using OutpostPM and want to do it again using a manual method, or vice versa. The event instructor can issue a separate tactical assignment. Note: these will always be recorded as "Just for Fun".
  • Please do not re-use your tactical assignment for another "go" during the mpmp without prior negotiation with the instructor.
SCCo packet discussion subgroup:
New section

The SCCo Discussion Subgroup for Packet will be used for email communications about upcoming mpmp events as well as status changes and updates during a practice event.

It is strongly recommended that all mpmp participants are a member of that group. See the county's Discussion Groups page for more information on joining this group (and other groups of interest).

References: Updated section

Scheduling Info:

The Monthly Package Message Passing exercise will usually start on the third Wednesday of the scheduled month:

  • The exercise will last for 6 days: Wednesday to Tuesday.
  • The session starts at 09:00 on the Wednesday scheduled for the event.
  • The session ends at 17:00 on the following Tuesday afternoon. (This is a change from prior practices.)
  • An "review and debrief" Zoom meeting will be held that Wednesday evening following the end of session, i.e., one week from the Wednesday start of the practice.
NOTE: the occurrence of a real event and subsequent SCCo RACES activation will likely cancel this practice.
Stay tuned to Internet email (if the Internet is up ) and/or BBS notices.

County packet BBSs: W1XSC, W2XSC, W3XSC, and W4XSC.

NOTE: a real-world situation may take one or more BBBs offline. If so, make use of your alternate.

Internet email
Subject: hashtag

Starting 2024 July, all Internet email to the instructor for the current monthly packet messaging practice should (highly preferred, recommended, etc.) include the hashtag value "#mpmpYYMM ", where YY and MM follow the standard substitutions, "mpmp" is case sensitive, and the hashtag value is followed by a single space.

This is for Internet email only and should not appear in any packet message header. Example: for the July 2024 practice, the Internet email hashtag expected is: "#mpmp2407 "

The hashtag can appear anywhere in the Subject: line. Preference is at or near the beginning when the Subject line is long.

Warning: email not containing the hashtag will not get pre-sorted properly and might get overlooked by the Instructor.

Process flow:

The intent of some exercises is to provide a near-dress rehearsal environment that simulates the process of a served agency requesting mutual aid support from the County for a packet operator. The process steps generally include:

  • Xanadu submitting a mutual aid request for a packet operator (simulated by the posting of the event)
  • Volunteering for assignment (simulated by participants signing up for the event)
  • Receiving assignment details (via the Assignment Email)
  • Accepting or declining the assignment (via the Internet email)
  • Simulating mobilization, travel and arrival at the virtual reporting location (optional)
  • Simulating arrival at the venue and attending the local situational briefing for: manager information, tactical call assignment, procedures, etc. (via Assignment Email)
  • Starting the operational period and completing shift duties (e.g. packet net participation, message passing fun stuff, etc.)
  • Ending the operational period, preparation and submission to the instructor:
    • A completed (and signed) packet ICS-309 communications log,
    • OtherParticipation credit requirements material listed in the practice assignment, such as:
      an ICS-309 for a simulated voice net, ICS-214 Unit Log, event documentation archive files, etc. .
  • Simulating de-mobilization and return to home (silent step).
Specific process steps may vary from practice to practice.
Simulating manager communication:

Starting in October 2024 as an experiment, an Internet mailbox at was established for use during a monthly packet messaging passing practice. This is to evaluate if this can be used to reinforce that the packet operator should contact their manager for any missing required information with a form they have been handed to transmit to Xanadu EOC.

There are notable limitations to this feature and some rules of engagement:

  • There is no human being monitoring this address or replying to email, only a very simplistic auto-reply mechanism.
  • The content of email messages are ignored.
  • Only very specific and expected text words or phrases in the Subject: field are examined.
  • The appropriate text words or phrases are spelled out precisely in the you have been handed.... package messages received from Xandau EOC.
  • The basic auto-reply mechanism is:
      If email is received with an expected word or phrase, return the appropropriate reply for the word or phrase, otherwise, do not reply.
  • Please do not send email outside of the practice operational period.
  • This facility will not be used in every monthly practice.
If this feature is evaluated as not useful in the future, it will be removed.

Here are some suggestions and reminders for getting the most out of this exercise:

  • This is an "arm chair" exercise - no need to leave home. This is a self-paced activity. It begins with a properly formatted Check-In message sent to the simulated EOC. It then proceeds by following directions in messages received. At the end a "Thank you" message will be sent. You can do it all in an hour or two sitting or pace it out over the week.
  • There is no "pass" or "fail" scoring feedback for this event. Questions about the session messages, Outpost or SCC BBS operation can be discussed during the Zoom office hours. Otherwise, please do your own self-learning.
  • If you get really stuck email the instructor or ask for help in the packet discussion group.
  • It is known that the simulated Xanadu EOC is picky about following county standards and also about directions you receive in email and packet messages. You may receive a courtesy message if its picky filter detects something.
  • A DELIVERED: receipt is returned for every message received at the simulated EOC.
  • You are not checked in to the packet net until you received a DELIVERED: receipt for your Check-In message (properly formatted)
  • You are not checked out of the packet net until you received a DELIVERED: receipt for your Check-Out message (properly formatted)
  • Xanadu EOC will check for new messages every 3 minutes. After you send your Check-Out message, please wait at least 10 minutes and check again. There may have been other messages queued for you.

Use of URLs for message downloads:

Each month's exercise will make use of URLs for downloading message forms. This is to simulate your manager's handing to you the filled out form then walking away. Actual URLs will be contained in the messages you receive via packet from the Xanadu EOC. If you are going to operate Manually and will not be able to download while performing the exercise, contact the practice lead in advance (i.e., K6FJC) for URLs.

Immediate Handling Order Messages:

From time to time, packet operators may need to send a message with a Handling Order of Immediate .

If you have just been handed a single Immediate message, please follow this checklist (also see Note 1):

  1. If you are just handed an Immediate message and are already working on a lower priority message, stop working on the lower priority message.
  2. In Outpost (PackItforms) select the form and create a new message.
  3. If a formal message, make sure the Handling of Immediate is checked (clicked) before submitting to Outpost.
    From the PackItForms form press Submit to Outpost when ready.
  4. Looking at the outpost message verify Outpost is indicating "Urgent: Private Message". If not, click the Urg button.
  5. If there are any other non-Immediate messages in the Outpost Out Tray, for each message right click on the message, and select "Move to.." the Draft folder.
  6. Perform a Send Only Action (Outpost -> Actions -> Send Only) in Outpost for the Immediate message.
    Avoid clicking Send/Receive.
  7. Notify the ICS To Location via an available voice method, e.g. Command Net, Phone Call (see Note 2), etc.
  8. Your message should be short and concise. Here are examples for Check Point 31 notifying Xanadu EOC:

    "Xanadu EOC this is Check Point 31. You have an immediate packet message to retrieve from us with message number "Xray"31-223"Papa". K6FJC" (See Note 3)

    "Xanadu EOC this is Check Point 31. You have an immediate packet message to retrieve from us. K6FJC"

    "Xanadu EOC this is Check Point 31. You have two immediate packet messages to retrieve from us. K6FJC"

  9. For any message moved from the Out folder -> Draft folder, go back and re-open each message and click Send.
    This will move the messages back to the Out Tray.
  10. Finish any lower messages that were in progress and proceed as usual.
If you have just been handed multiple Immediate messages, follow these guidelines:
  • Follow the above instructions for stopping work on any lower Handling priority messages, for moving any non-Immediate messages from the Out Tray, and for notifying via a voice method.
  • If the Immediate messages are going to different ICS To Locations, check with your supervisor if you should:
    • Enter each Immediate message followed by a Send Only for each message, or
    • Enter all Immediate messages and do a single Send Only
    Note your supervisor may indicate a preferred ordering of which Immediate message to send first, second, etc. Otherwise, sort by date and time.
  • If the Immediate messages are going to the same ICS TO Location, enter all the messages and send in a single Send Only session.

NOTE 1: Only use this procedure for Immediate handling order messages and not for Priority or Routine messages.

NOTE 2: Voice is preferred, but if SMS is available for the recipient, you can type the same message and send via SMS.

NOTE 3: Keep the proword voicing as simple as possible, no need for "Mixed Group" as each side knows it is a packet message number already.

Outpost ICS-309 Form:

Outpost uses a national ICS-309 form and not the SCC county form format. Participants doing non-Outpost operation will likely use the county form. The main difference is the fields at the top of the form are different, but similar.

Instructions for filling out either version of the ICS-309 will be in the release instructions provided near the end of each practice exercise, prior to Check-Out.

The ICS-309 should be complete:

  • Top and bottom of each page filled out as per Release instructions for the exercise.
  • Bottom of each form is signed with actual signature or e-signature equivalent.
  • Log entries are to include: all monthly practice notices (i.e., XSCEVENT and XND@XSC), all messages sent and received, including Delivered messages.
  • All messages received within 5 minutes after the Check-Out messsage was received by Xanadu EOC. Xanadu EOC will always send at least one message (sometimes two) in response to a Check-Out message. These and their associated Delivered messages should be logged.
Common problems seen with ICS-309 forms that should be corrected:
  • Top of form information does not follow instructions in the Release message.
  • XSCEVENT notice retrieval is not logged or not logged prior to Check-In
  • XND@XSC notice retrieval is not logged or not logged prior to Check-In
  • Received Delivered messages are not logged
  • Sent Delivered messages are not logged. If using Outpost, these are always sent. If not using Outpost it is optional to send a Delivered message, but if done, log it.
  • Log stops with sending the Check-Out message. Packet operators must wait at least five mintues after receiving a Delievered response to the Check-Out message as there will be at least one additional message from Xanadu EOC and your packet stations will send a Delivered message for that which should appear in the log.
PackItForms XSC OA Jurisdiction Status Form:

The PackItForm for the XSC OA Jurisdiction Status implements the Jurisdiction Name field as a pull down menu with the default text of Select One....

For a real event / activation, one of the pull-down agencies may match what is on the form that has been handed to you. Just pull down and select the correct agency.

For drills and practices, the Jurisdiction Name may be something different; e.g., Xanadu County, or City of Xanadu. If that is the case, just type in the practice jurisdiction name in the field. For example, if the practice form handed to you has "City of Xanadu" on the form, just type in the same where it says Select One....

Reminder that PackItforms uses the Jurisdiction Name value as the MsgSummary in the packet message Subject and that the Xanadu EOC is picky about them.

Radio Routing Slip requirements for packet

A separate Radio Routing Slip for packet messages is not required to be created by the packet operator if PackItForms is used and the information required at the top of the form (message header) is duplicative of the information that would be entered on the routing slip AND the packet station has a printer.

The packet operator retains the responsibility to obtain information from their manager/supervisor or the message author to make sure the top of form information is as complete as needed to deliver and route the form to the intended recipient at the destination.

In real life for record keeping, the packet operator should attach a printed copy of the Sent message to the original message: e.g., staple to an EOC213RR Resource Request, a Form 1, etc. If a printer is not available, the Radio Routing Slip must be filled out by hand (operator, supervisor, or message author) and attached to the original message (e.g., stapled) and the operator should amend and fill in the Origin Msg # and the Radio Operator Only information at the bottom of the form after the message has been sent.

Postion: Manual Operation

P2 credential evaluation requires operation without Outpost: just a terminal emulator and PackItForms. This position is available for those that wish to practice for P2. This is not for everyone. Some notes:

  • Be current with the most recent P2 training course material
  • Recommended: Use Putty or an equivalent terminal emulator that permits session logging. For Putty details see Pages 31 to 36 of the 31 October 2023 Packet P2 course slides.
  • Your packet network ICS-309 can be:
    • Handwritten paper ICS-309 and scanned to pdf or jpg.
    • Fillable ICS-309 that is saved as a PDF file.
    • Excel spreadsheet that is saved as a PDF file.
    • or any equivalent that resembles the Outpost generated ICS-309 or the SCC ICS-309
    • From October 2024 going forward: the ICS-309 for manual operation should also include Delivered messages received and transmitted.
  • What to turn in at the end of the practice:
    • The packet network ICS-309
    • A separate ICS-309, if an actual or simulated voice frequency was used
    • Recommended: Your Putty (or equivalent) log
Training Questions:

If you have questions or feedback about this or other training activities, you can join our Training discussion group and ask your question(s) there.

For more information about all of our discussion groups, visit our Discussion Groups page.

Preparation for a successful exercise: The following minimum packet computer and Outpost preparation is needed for a successsful exercise:
  • Latest version SCCo Combined Outpost and PackItForms installed and working properly.
  • Windows printer / print driver that allows printing to PDF files.
  • Means to email a PDF file to the course instructor via the Internet (do not send via packet!)
  • Application support for importing, editing, and saving CSV (comma separate value) files.
    • e.g., Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice, etc.
  • In Outpost:
    • Retrieving new XSCEVENT and XND@XSC city notices.
      • Setup -> BBS -> Retrieving -> Custom Retrieval
      • Make sure this is there:
        A XSCEVENT
      • As well as this or equivalent:
        A ALLXSC
        L> XND
    • Know how to set up Station ID for a Tactical Call for all BBS interactions.
      • Setup -> Station ID -> Tactical
      • Check the box next to Use Tactical Call for all BBS interaction
      • Fill in your tactical assignment information as provided for the event
    • Know how to set the global variable for next message number.
      • Tools -> Report Settings -> Global Variables -> Next Message
    • Knowledge of saving to and opening of CSV files in Outpost messages with "No Headers"
Xanadu EOC static message content

At this time, Outpost's scripting package cannot edit message content to personalize it: any messages sent from Xanadu EOC to anyone are the same message. For any messages you receive from Xanadu EOC, please make the following mental/time adjustments:

  1. Your tactical position may be referred to with an XX. Take this to be equivalent to your assigned tactical number.
  2. Fixed Date value is when the drill started, e.g., date of the 3rd Wednesday. Fixed time values will be at or near when the drill starts: e.g., between 09:00 and 11:00.
  3. If there are any relative times in the message, See 2) above, make equivalents based on the date/time the message was sent by Xanadu EOC. For example, if you see a Take Action, Reply By, Yes, with a Time value of +2h, base your reply time limit form the time the message was actually sent plus the relative offset. Example, if the form Date and time are: 07/19/2023 10:00, reply time +2h, and the time Xanadu EOC sent the message was 07/21/2023 17:00, then you need to reply by 07/21/2023 19:00.
  4. NOTE: these equivalences apply ONLY to messages RECEIVED from XNDEOC. They do not apply to messages handed to your by your simulated manager.,, and Troubleshooting access problems:

The webservers for and are hosted at DigitalOcean on a droplet located somewhere on the east coast. You should be able to use an Internet ICMP "ping" utility to test reachability from your computer. For any questions about these two websites contact k6fjc at via Internet email and use the current Subject hashtag for the month's exercise.

In each monhtly packet message passing practice the simulated Manager provides the packet radio operator a message via a URL. Accessing the URL and downloading the message simulates being handed the message. If you get an error trying to access the URL, then there is a problem that we need to solve. Please review the Monthly Message Passing Practice URL Troubleshooting procedures.

Participation and Credential Credit: Updated Section

As of 12/21/22, the Monthly Message Passing Practice events are marked "Credential: Yes". Starting June 2023, participation in a least two of these monthly events will be required for the P3 and P2 credentials.

Participation will be logged for each event for each individual that signed up for a credential participation position and that sends all forms and requested messages as received and recorded by the Xanadu EOC and email'd items to the instructor. This includes:

  • Standard Check-In and Check-Out packet messages
  • Any packet forms or messages requested to be transmitted in the simulated "you have been handed" messages from your simulated manager/supervisor.
  • Via Internet email with Subject: hashtag to the Instructor:
    • The packet ICS-309 for the exercise, signed.
    • A voice ICS-309 if the simulated voice network was used, signed
    • Other forms as requested to be turned in with the ICS-309(s), e.g. ICS-214 (signed).
Qualifying packet messages are those that are recorded by the Xanadu EOC. Email messages should be received by the practice Instructor promptly after the end of the participant's operational period. Gentle reminder: this is a dress rehearsal and in real-life all paperwork must be turned in to the served agency at the end of the your shift before de-mobilization. Let's try to practice that. However, this is a practice and real-life situations do arise that may interfere with individual participation. Contact the instructor.

Credential credit requires individual participation. Participants are on their honor to participate as an individual and not as part of a team or under a mentor. However, if a participant is part of a team or being mentored, please register as "Just For Fun".

In situations where one or more people are sharing a packet station, each individual must turn in an ICS-309 for their distinct tactical assignment and messages - including any notice downloads. A combined ICS-309 or copies of substantially the same ICS-309 will not qualify for participation credit. Contact the Instructor in advance for any help/guidance on using OutpostPM and the ICS 309 Comm Log Builder.

The following will be scored, but will not impact participation credit:

  • Leaving out or incorrect ICS-309 "options for the log" in the release instructions
  • Specifying an incorrect Handling Order
  • Issues with Standard Subject line content.
  • Not using the assigned tactical call
  • Any messages requested to be sent in the XSCEVENT notice or XND@XSC city notice.
  • Any "easter egg" messages requested in any other instructions received for the practice, e.g. in the received assignment.
  • Etc. - best to check with the instructor for the exercise with any questions.

Note: participants having problems generating an ICS-309 should contact the Instructor before the end of the exercise via email - don't forget to use the current Subject: hashtag for the month. In some cases, the Instructor may suggest equivalent documentation that meets participation requirements.

Packet Course Instructor Notes:
Jim Oberhofer, KN6PE

Amateur Packet Radio Field Reference For SCCo RACES Responders - Type III (October 2024):

Amateur Packet Radio Field Reference For SCCo RACES Responders - Type II (October 2024): Printing instructions for the booklet.

Information on sending and receiving spreadsheets in .csv (comma separated value) format. Refer to the exercise workbook under the Course Materials section for the Packet Type III Part A course.

Drill/Exercise Packet Manager Notes:
Mark Laubach, K6FJC

Tips for the Next Time in Packet (PDF)

Opening CSV files with LibreOffice application on Windows

Exercises summaries
from this year
  • Mar-2025
    • Xanadu EOC will be on break this month - no practice
  • 19-Feb-2025 to 25-Feb-2025.
    • Scenario:T.B.D.
    • Forms exercised:
      • 1 x T.B.D.
    • End of Exercise Review presentation: T.B.D.
    • Scorecard: T.B.D.

Exercise summaries
from prior years
Exercise summaries from prior years.


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This page was last updated on 23-January-2025