Santa Clara County ARES®/RACES/ACS
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City / County Drill - 26-Aug-2023


Activation Number XSC-23-08T

Santa Clara County is experiencing a simulated extended excessive heat event, and power and infrastructure failures are occurring.

The County EOC has activated in response to the event, both to support cities as well as to support several simulated County-run shelter/cooling centers.

Each jurisdiction will devise a scenario that best serves its local needs, which may or may not match the overarching scenario, though jurisdictions are encouraged to simulate power outages at their EOC. The county EOC plays a supporting and coordinating role, requesting status and receiving reports from each jurisdiction. For ideas and minimum criteria, see the Drill Instructions for ECs document.

  • Practice intra-city communications for local data gathering and reporting.
  • Practice city to county communications for consolidated info exchanged with the county EOC.
  • Practice field station communcations with county EOC, including resource net travel tracking and message passing.
  • Practice running county EOC on backup power.

Drill Operational Period:  10:00 - 12:00 hours
SCCo EOC Participants: Must arrive one hour early for orientation and stay one hour late for debrief.

  • 0900: Briefing - will start promptly, do not be late
  • 0930: Station setup and familiarization
  • 1000 - 1200: Drill Activity
  • 1200 - 1300: Clean-up and Debrief

SCCo Virtual Field Participants:
  • 1000: Check in to Resource Net for virtual “travel”
  • On “arrival” to your site (no more than 20 minutes): check out of Resource Net, follow instructions of net control, then setup your station and begin operations
  • If released early: clean up and “travel” home using Resource Net
  • 1200: End of drill, all nets closed; e-mail all documentation to Event IC

Local Jurisdiction Schedules:
  • Consult your local ARES/RACES leadership
  • Will be provided at beginning of the drill, either in-person (at SCCo EOC) or via e-mail (for SCCo Virtual Field participants)l
  • Please make sure you check for packet bulletins regularly throughout the drill operational period. If you do not have packet capabilities, please listen for a summary on the Message net.

Nets to be used:

  • Message Net
  • Command Net
  • Resource Net
  • Packet Net
  • EOC-EOC Net
  • Santa Clara County EOC sign-ups here
  • City participation sign-ups - check with your city.


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This page was last updated 24-Aug-2023