Wednesday, February 19
9:00 AM
 Monthly Packet Message Passing Exercise
WhenWed, Feb 19, 9:00 AM -
WhereSCC BBS Packet Network
Description The Monthly Packet Message Passing Exercise will be commence on the third Wednesday of most months.  Reading the Training page for this practice is required before signing up for the event.  If you have read the training page before, please review any New and Updated items before signing up. The practice starts at 09:00 on the Wednesday scheduled for the event. The practice ends at 17:00 on the following Tuesday afternoon.  A "review and debrief" Zoom meeting MAY be held at 19:30 on the following Wednesday, if scheduled (i.e., one week after the start date). Information will be provided in the assignment email. Basic practice-flow logistics: An assignment email will be sent to those that signed up before 20:00 on the Tuesday evening prior to the Wednesday start. This email includes both assignment and local briefing information.  Use your local briefing assignment information (e.g., tactical packet call assighment) only for the duration of this practice session. The assignment email should be sent out prior to 09:00 Wednesday. Do not start the assignment until both of the following are true: It is on/after the 09:00 Wednesday start time, and You have received the assignment email. Complete the practice at your own timing and pace.  Your personal operational period will start when you check-in to the Xanadu EOC and will end when you have completed your ICS-309 for turn-in to the instructor. Reminder: read all BBS notices (XSCPERM, XSCEVENT, and XND@XSC "city" notices before checking in to the practice net. Please email the instructor, IF: You signed up before Tuesday 20:00, it is now Wednesday at 09:00 or later and you didn't receive an assignment email (it can take several hours), or You signed up for the event after the Tuesday 20:00 evening prior, or Have to drop or cannot complete the event for any reason. Instructor for this month: Mark Laubach, K6FJC -at- ARRL -dot- NET ---------------- Late sign-ups are accepted for this event.  However, you must notify the instructor by Internet email in order to receive the assignment for this practice.  The instructor will try to respond to late signup requests within 24 hours of email receipt.  ---------------- After the end of the practice, event participation will be recorded for each participant that signed up for a position that qualifies for credential credit.  Refer to the Training page for detailed information.
Saturday, February 22
9:00 AM
 ARES/RACES Communications Drill - COUNTY participation
WhenSat, Feb 22, 9:00 AM -
WhereSanta Clara County EOC
Description Santa Clara County and City Quarterly Drill. This sign-up is for participation at the County EOC. You MUST have approval from your EC first. Exercise Details: See the drill description page for more details. Schedule: 09:00 - Briefing 09:30 - Station setup and familiarization 10:00 - 12:00 - Drill Activity 12:00 - 13:00 - Clean-up and Debrief Positions: There will be two types of radio operators needed for the county radio room--Net control operators and packet operators. See individual position descriptions for prerequisites. The net control position in the county radio room can be non-stop action, a preference is given to existing credentialed operators. Exceptions must be approved by Evemt IC. The packet position in the county radio room is also non-stop action, plus you gain experience with a more complicated, two-station configuration. Again, preference is given to existing credentialed operators. We also have the need for some radio room support personnel to perform logging, EOC runner function, simulated message injection, and other functions. If you have volunteered in previous drills for a position in the last year, please let others have an opportunity to take that position first. If positions are still open 2 weeks prior to the drill, then at that time previous participants may sign up. Directions: The County EOC is located on the 4th floor of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's office, which is located at 55 W. Younger Ave., San Jose.  Park across the street. No permit is required on the weekend. Do NOT park in the visitor spots next to the Sheriff's office. The front door is locked on weekends, you will need to use the button on the right hand side of the double doors to get buzzed into the lobby. Enter the front door and go to the window on the left. Inform the deputy that you need to go up to the 4th Floor EOC for the drill. Your ID will be checked. You are on the pre-approved list which is based on the sign-ups on this page. The deputy will buzz you into the door to your right. Go through the door and up the elevator to the fourth floor. Exit the elevator to the left. You will see the doors for the EOC. Sign in at the reception counter. Then go down the hall to the right to find the radio room.   Sign-ups will close at 7am on Wednesday February 19th.  
Saturday, February 22
9:00 AM
 City of Campbell Participation in County Drill
WhenSat, Feb 22, 9:00 AM -
WhereCampbell, CA
Description For Hams participating in or nearby Campbell only.  Sign up here if you plan to participate in the Campbell portion of the County Communications Drill on February 22.   The following positions are available: Field Operator - from anywhere in Campbell, any time from 10:00 to 11:30 Packet Operator Simulated EOC Operator / net control The Campbell simplex net on 146.565 MHz will be open for field check-ins and communications testing from 10:00 to 11:30.  The Simulated EOC will also communicate with the County EOC during the drill.
Saturday, February 22
9:00 AM
 City of Santa Clara ARES/RACES Comm Drill
WhenSat, Feb 22, 9:00 AM -
Where1900 Walsh Ave, Santa Clara, C
Description As part of the Santa Clara County and City Quarterly Drill, this sign-up is for participation at the city level for the City of Santa Clara. Exercise Details: To Be Announced Schedule: 08:30 Resource Net opens for travel to drill 09:00 - Briefing 09:30 - Station setup and familiarization 10:00 - 12:00 - Drill Activity 12:00 - 13:00 - Clean-up and Debrief Positions:   To be able to support this drill, the following two positions will need to be filled for the city's EOC - they are: Message Net Radio Operator Packet Net Operator If additional operators sign up, the following positions will be filled with these operators: Command Net Operator Tactical Net Operator Field Operator positions Please contact Bill Rainey, K6WAR (, if you have any questions about this drill and how you can support it.
Saturday, February 22
9:00 AM
 Los Altos Participation in County Drill
WhenSat, Feb 22, 9:00 AM -
Description For Los Altos hams only. Sign up here if you would like to participate in the Los ALtos portion of the County Communications Drill on February 22.  The following positions are available: Resource Net Operator Los Altos Net Operator Packet Operator Field ham Field hams can check into the city net for practice.  Optionally, a field ham can also check in on the Resource Net as a "dispatchable" ham as part of the County Resource Net that will be opeating in Level 3. "Dispatchable" hams will most likely receive an "assignment" to travel to a location.  All travel is virtual - you never have to leave home.  If you are unfamiliar with the Resource Net and Level 3 operations, please review the "Fundamentals of Emergency Communications" class slides that are on the County website. Other hams (Resource Net Operator, Los Altos Net Operator and Paket Operator) will operate from the Manzanita Room in the Community Center.
Saturday, February 22
9:45 AM
 Los Gatos/Monte Sereno ARES/RACES Communication Drill
WhenSat, Feb 22, 9:45 AM -
WhereTown EOC and local ICPs
Description This is the sign-up page for Los Gatos/Monte Sereno-affiliated hams and others to participate in Los Gatos/Monte Sereno's event related to the Feb 22 Santa Clara County quarterly exercise.  The scenario is a wildfire in the foothills to the South of Kennedy Rd in LG and Route 9 in MS. Several of the LG & MS CERT ICPs will be staffed (KN, VDM, CC, AG, NSC, VAS, BEL, LGA). The LG/MS EOC will be in communication with the SCC EOC via packet and voice and in communication with the ICPs using voice. At this time we are taking sign ups only for the EOC. As Feb 22 approaches, we will provide specific tasks, e.g., NCO, Field Operator, etc., from which volunteers can choose and we will try to accomodate.  In addition to more experienced hams getting the opportunity to use their radios, we also hope to provide mentoring opportuniuties for our less-experienced hams.
Saturday, February 22
10:00 AM
 Mountain View Participation in County Drill
WhenSat, Feb 22, 10:00 AM -
Wherevarious in Mountain View
Description For Mountain View hams only.  Sign up here if you would like to participate in the Mountain View portion of the County Communicaitons Drill on February 22.  We will staff the radio room with a packet operator, net control, and shift superrvisor, and everyone else will be field operators, working from home.
Saturday, February 22
10:00 AM
 San Jose Quarterly Communications Drill (2025 Q1)
WhenSat, Feb 22, 10:00 AM -
Description This signup is for the 2025 Q1 San Jose Quarterly Communication Drill held in conjunction with other Santa Clara county and city drills. Depending on position, operators can expect to either utilize the radios in the city EOC, participate with their own stations at home, or setup mobile stations in a publicly available space. More details to come -- email for any questions.
Saturday, February 22
9:45 AM
 Saratoga ARES/RACES Communication Drill
WhenSat, Feb 22, 9:45 AM -
WhereHome (travel not required)
Description This is the sign-up page for Saratoga affiliated hams and others to participate in Saratoga's event related to the Feb 22 Santa Clara County quarterly exercise.  The scenario is a major earthquake in the area followed by one or more aftershocks. Among other things, particpant field operators will be asked to provide Mike-Mike reports to the SAR EOC.  The SAR EOC will be in communication with the SCC EOC via packet and voice. At this time we are taking sign ups only for staff in general. As Feb 22 approaches, we will likely provide specific tasks, e.g., NCO, Field Operator, etc., which you can choose and we will try to accomodate.  In addition to more experienced hams getting the opprtunity to use their radios, we also hope to provide mentoring opportuniuties for our less-experienced hams. 
Saturday, February 22
9:00 AM
 SARES (Sunnyvale) Quarterly Drill
WhenSat, Feb 22, 9:00 AM -
WhereVarious within Sunnyvale
Description We'll dispatch multiple teams to different locations within the city where they will setup a field station with packet and voice capability.     
Saturday, March 1
9:00 AM
 Net Control - Type III, Part A
WhenSat, Mar 1, 9:00 AM -
WhereSunnyvale Public Safety HQ
Description Course Details: Click here to visit the course description and download the course materials Attendees should have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials. Pre-class Homework: IMPORTANT: There will be homework that must be completed BEFORE attending class. Watch your email for details. Location of the training:  The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Click here for a map showing parking and the building entrance. Class attendees may need to show a photo ID (drivers license or agency-issued ID) to be admitted.   NOTE: Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interactions, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes.   Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, February 28.
Saturday, March 8
7:30 AM
 2025 Big Bunny Fun Run - Cupertino hams only
WhenSat, Mar 8, 7:30 AM -
WhereWilson Park, Cupertino
Description The Big Bunny Fun Run is on again this year.  As usual, the race will start and end at the City Hall Plaza. Our radio operations will be based at Wilson Park.  The check-in and staging area will be in the picnic area near Wintergreen Drive.  There will be a variety of assignments, including checkpoints, shadows, and net controllers.    Be sure to arrive in time to be checked in no later than 7:30.
Saturday, March 15
9:00 AM
 Fundamentals of Emergency Communications
WhenSat, Mar 15, 9:00 AM -
WhereSunnyvlae Public Safety HQ
Description Can you describe all of the major nets used within Santa Clara County? Do you know which nets are used for mobilization and message passing? Can you describe the three operational levels of the Resource Net and the procedures for each level? Do you understand how all of the fields of the Message form are to be used? Do you know what you need in order to get started as a net control? This Fundamentals course covers basic operating principles that Santa Clara County hams responding as DSWs should know and understand. This is the second of two basic classes designed to get new hams feeling comfortable with city and county operating procedures. It is also an excellent introduction for experienced hams who are new to Santa Clara County operations and an excellent refresher for experienced Santa Clara County hams as well. Attendees must have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials.   Click here to see a printable flyer and the course materials (PDF format) Location of the training: The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Click here for a map showing parking and the building entrance. Class attendees may need to show a photo ID (driver's license or agency-issued ID) to be admitted. Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up.
Saturday, April 5
9:00 AM
 Net Control - Type III, Part B
WhenSat, Apr 5, 9:00 AM -
WhereSunnyvale Public Safety HQ
Description Course Details: Click here to see the course description and the course materials Attendees should have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials. Handouts will be updated a few days prior to the class. Pre-class Homework: The course materials will include homework that is to be completed prior to arriving at the class. Homework assignments are to be turned in at the end of the training class. Location of the training:   The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Class attendees may need to show a photo ID (driver's license or agency-issued ID) to be admitted. What You Need To Bring: Attendees should bring their own copy of the course slides--either printed or on a tablet or PC. Printed copies of all other course materials (see the course description page for all course materials - link above). The in-class exercises require you to write on the various forms. Water or other beverages, as you desire, in closed containers. NOTE: Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interactions, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes.   Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Friday, April 4. Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz, + offset, PL of 100.0 Hz, the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.      
Tuesday, April 15
8:30 PM
 Training Net - Message Passing Practice
WhenTue, Apr 15, 8:30 PM -
WhereResource Net Repeaters
Description This is the quarterly Tuesday evening Training Net. The training net will be be held on the Resource Net Repeaters (AA6BT 146.115, K6SNY 443.275, and W6ASH 145.270) which will be linked for the net. This net will consist of passing 3rd party messages.  The messages will be beginner to intermediate level with the use of prowords.  Read the job description for the positions. We will take participants in the order noted.  Expected Difficulty: Easy to Difficult It is recommended that you have taken the Message Passing Class to participate as a message sender or receiver; but, is not required if you have sufficient experience and understanding of SCCo message passing procedures, techniques and prowords. Message senders/receivers will be given a critique on their techniques and use of procedures. You should expect that the first message to be passed will only include prowords required in F3 evaluations (see page 36 of the Credentialing Program Handbook). Overall, it is anticipated that the messages will progress from easy to more difficult for each message sent. The first message will be the easiest and the last more difficult. Anyone wishing to receive pre-event communications (plans for the net, advance look at messages to be used, etc.) should sign up. While not required, sign ups are encouraged  Everyone is encouraged to copy the messages being sent for practice. Several blank message forms will be needed. If you have all the recommended go-kit forms you will be covered.
Thursday, May 1
10:00 AM
 Coastal Region Communications Exercise
WhenThu, May 1, 10:00 AM -
WhereSanta Clara County EOC
Description This event is a Coastal Region Communications Exercise primarily focusing on HF SHARES communications between the Coastal Region Op Areas and the state. Must hold a County EOC Radio Operator Endorsement or have CRO approval to participate. Prior knowledge of WinLink Express is helpful but not required. More details will be provided closer to the event date.
Saturday, May 3
6:00 AM
 2025 Tierra Bella Bicycle Tour
WhenSat, May 3, 6:00 AM -
WhereChristmas Hill Park, Gilroy
Description Tierra Bella is a bicycle tour through South County starting and ending near Christmas Hill Park (7050 Miller Ave, Gilroy). It takes place on Saturday, May 3, 2025 and consists of four simultaneous routes: a 29 mile, 49 mile, 74 mile, and a 100 mile route. There will be up to 1,500 official riders out on these routes.   “This is different than a drill or parade. Here you will be directly working with individuals directly who need your help. It’s the best kind of one-to-one activity. You will end the day knowing that you made a difference.” -R.R. ARES Communicators are needed to staff the communications Incident Command Post (ICP), up to 15 SAG vehicles, and  fixed locations along the route.  Please refer to the individual job descriptions for additional information. Please note that the "Rest Stop Lead" job is an all-day commitment.  Rest Stop Leads are responsible for providing the communications gear and setup used at the stop.  If you're familiar with the tour, and have a preference about which rest stop you'd like to staff, contact the event organizer at operations @ For positions other than "Rest Stop Lead", operators need not serve the entire event period.  After sign-up, please contact the event organizer for limitations and/or preferences on shift hours. The following are approximate shift times for the different positions (times to be revised as we finalize plans with the event organizer): ICP AM (0600 to 1300) PM (1100 to 1800) Rest Stops Gilroy Hot Springs (0600 to 1330) San Martin (0700 to 1430) Henry Coe (0800 to 1530) Uvas (0800 to 1800) SAG AM (0630 to 1130) Mid-Day (1030 to 1530) PM (1430 to 1800) Resource NC (0530 to 1930)
Saturday, May 3
9:00 AM
 Countywide CERT Exercise - RACES Support
WhenSat, May 3, 9:00 AM -
WhereGwinn Elem. School-San Martin
Description Provide communication support for the annual Countywide CERT Exercise. RACES will be providing communications resources to CERT Teams taking part in the  exercise.  As CERT Teams work through various scenerios, status reports and instructions will be communicated to NC and back to the CERT Teams. Signups will be open and more information will be provided as we get nearer to the event date. Please read the position descriptions before signing up and make sure you meet the requirements.
Thursday, May 8
7:00 PM
 EC/AEC Council Meeting
WhenThu, May 8, 7:00 PM -
WhereSanta Clara County EOC
Description Purpose: Discuss organizational and management ideas, strategies, best practices.  Synchronize planning, operations, expectations. Attendees: City ECs and AECs and county ADECs are welcome. Agenda: Quarterly Drill TBD Roundtable Location: Santa Clara County EOC, 4th Floor, 55 W Younger Ave., San Jose (Sheriff's Bldg) Parking: Please park in the lot across the street from the Sheriff's building. The front doors of the Sheriff's office are locked at 6pm. You will need to push the buzzer to the right of the double doors to gain entrance and provide your name.  We will provide a list of attendees before the meeting.  EVERYONE will need to sign up here in advance to be on that list by Monday evening 5/5.
Saturday, May 10
9:00 AM
 Net Control - Type II
WhenSat, May 10, 9:00 AM -
WhereSunnyvale Public Safety HQ
Description Course Details: Click here to see the course description and the course materials Attendees should have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials. Handouts will be updated a few days prior to the class. Location of the training:  The location for this trainng is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Click here for a map showing parking and the building entrance. What You Need To Bring: Bring your own copy of the course slides--either printed or on a tablet or PC. Printed copies of all other course materials (see the course description page for all course materials - link above). The in-class exercises will require you to write on the various forms. Water or other beverages, as you desire. NOTE: Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interactions, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes.   Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up. Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz, + offset, PL of 100.0 Hz, the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.     
Saturday, May 17
9:00 AM
 ARES/RACES Communications Drill - COUNTY participation
WhenSat, May 17, 9:00 AM -
WhereSanta Clara County EOC
Description Santa Clara County and City Quarterly Drill. This sign-up is for participation at the county level. You MUST have approval from your EC first. Exercise Details:        The drill description page will be parovided prior to the drill. Schedule: 09:00 - Briefing 09:30 - Station setup and familiarization 10:00 - 12:00 - Drill Activity 12:00 - 13:00 - Clean-up and Debrief Positions: There will be two types of radio operators needed for the county radio room--Net control operators and packet operators. See individual position descriptions for prerequisites. The net control position in the county radio room can be non-stop action, so preference is given to existing credentialed operators. Note: One Net Control must be an experienced NCO and able to handle a very busy net. This position must be approved by Staff The packet position in the county radio room is also non-stop action, plus you gain experience with a more complicated, two-station configuration. Again, preference is given to existing credentialed operators. We also have the need for some radio room support personnel to perform logging, EOC runner function, simulated message injection, and other functions. If you have volunteered in previous drills for a position in the last year, please let others have an opportunity to take that position first. If positions are still open 2 weeks prior to the drill, then at that time previous participants may sign up. Directions: The County EOC is located on the 4th floor of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's office, which is located at 55 W. Younger Ave., San Jose.  Park across the street. No permit is required on the weekend. Do NOT park in the visitor spots next to the Sheriff's office. The front door is locked on weekends, you will need to use the button on the right hand side of the double doors to get buzzed into the lobby. Enter the front door and go to the window on the left. Inform the deputy that you need to go up to the 4th Floor EOC for the drill. Your ID will be checked. You are on the pre-approved list which is based on the sign-ups on this page. The deputy will buzz you into the door to your right. Go through the door and up the elevator to the fourth floor. Exit the elevator to the left. You will see the doors for the EOC. Sign in at the reception counter. Then go down the hall to the right to find the radio room.   Sign-ups will close at 7am on Wednesday May 14.  
Saturday, June 7
9:00 AM
 Event Planning Tabletop
WhenSat, Jun 7, 9:00 AM -
WhereSunnyvale Public Safety HQ
Description This class will address the skills and planning activities necessary to create the plans for drills, public service events, and activations.  The class will include interactive table-top exercises.  Prerequisites:  Must have completed the level 2 class in any of the following areas; Field Ops, Net Control, Packet, and Shadowing. This class is strongly suggested for ECs and AECs. The course description is available via the link below.  Class materials will be updated about a week befoe the class and everyone signed up will be notified via email at that time. Click here to see the course description and materials This is an advanced level class and does require some pre-class homework. Attendees should bring their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials.  No handouts will be available at the training.  Location of the training: The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Class attendees may need to show a photo ID (driver's license or agency-issued ID) to be admitted. NOTE:  Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interaction, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes. Class size is limited to the first 18 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Friday, June 6. Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz ,+ offset, PL of 100.0 Hz,  the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.   
Wednesday, June 11
6:00 PM
 Introduction to Emergency Communications - NIGHT CLASS
WhenWed, Jun 11, 6:00 PM -
WhereSunnyvale Public Safety HQ
Description Congratulations! You just got your Ham Radio license and are anxious to get started... but how? There were plenty of new terms and concepts that you came across as you studied for your FCC exam, but what do they really mean? Puzzled by simplex vs. repeaters? Can't tell a PL tone from an offset? And, how do I get on the air with my radio? If this sounds like you, then this class – An Introduction to Emergency Communications – will give you plenty of the basics about your new hobby with hands-on exercises that should get you started with Ham Radio and Emergency Communications. This is the first of two basic courses designed to get new hams familiar with some common operating procedures, emergency communications, and getting on the air. Attendees must have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials.    Location of the training: The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Click here for a map showing parking and the building entrance. Class attendees may need to show a photo ID (Drivers License or Agency-issued ID) to be admitted.  Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, June 10. Click here for information about Covid precautions and in-person classes. CLASS SIZE IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 30 WHO SIGN UP.             
Saturday, June 21
9:00 AM
WhenSat, Jun 21, 9:00 AM -
WhereSunnyvale Public Safety HQ
Description Course Details: Click here to visit the course description and download the course materials Attendees should have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials. Handouts may be updated prior to the class, and those registered will be notified via email. Location of the training:       The location for this training is Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Class attendees may need to show a photo ID (driver's license or agency-issued ID) to be admitted. NOTE: Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interactions, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes.   Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Friday, June 20.  Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz, + offset, PL of 100.0 Hz, the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.    
Wednesday, July 9
6:00 PM
 Fundamentals of Emergency Communications - NIGHT CLASS
WhenWed, Jul 9, 6:00 PM -
WhereSunnyvale Public Safety HQ
Description Can you describe all of the major nets used within Santa Clara County? Do you know which nets are used for mobilization and message passing? Can you describe the three operational levels of the Resource Net and the procedures for each level? Do you understand how all of the fields of the Message form are to be used? Do you know what you need in order to get started as a net control? This Fundamentals course covers basic operating principles that Santa Clara County hams responding as DSWs should know and understand. This is the second of two basic classes designed to get new hams feeling comfortable with city and county operating procedures. It is also an excellent introduction for experienced hams who are new to Santa Clara County operations and an excellent refresher for experienced Santa Clara County hams as well. Attendees must have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials.   Click here to see a printable flyer and the course materials Location of the training: The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. The class will be held in the new building. Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 8.  
Saturday, July 19
9:00 AM
 Message Passing - Tabletop
WhenSat, Jul 19, 9:00 AM -
WhereSunnyvale Public Safety HQ
Description Course Details: Click here for the course details, including pre-class homework and in-class course materials Pre-class Homework: IMPORTANT:  See the course details page for homework that must be completed BEFORE attending class Location of the training: The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale.  Click here for information about Covid precautions and in-person classes. NOTE:  Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interaction, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes. Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Friday, July 18.  Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz ,+ offset, PL of 100.0 Hz,  the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.  
Saturday, July 26
9:00 AM
 Field Operations Type III, Part A
WhenSat, Jul 26, 9:00 AM -
Where55 W. Younger Ave., San Jose
Description Prerequisites, Course Description, and Course Materials: See the Field Communicator Type III Part A page for complete information on prerequisites, course details, and to download the course materials. Attendees should have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials. Handouts will be updated a few days prior to the class. Location:  This class will be held in the Sheriff's Auditorium in the County Sheriff's building at 55 W. Younger Ave. in San Jose. Park in the large lot across the street from the building. Do not park in the smaller lot next to the building. What You Need To Bring: HT with plenty of battery for 3 hours. You should be able to operate on extra low power, so it shouldn't be a problem. Minimum of earbud or headphones, so we don't bother others with radio chatter. A headset (headphones with boom microphone) is recommended for best audio quality (hearing and speaking). If you come without a headset or earbud you will be asked to leave. Course slides: Bring your own copy of the course slides--either printed or on a tablet or PC. Clipboard or other writing surface. There may not be tables, only chairs, in the room. Printed copies of all other course materials (see the course description page for all course materials - link above). The in-class exercises will require you to write on the various forms. Water, as you desire.  NOTE: Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interactions, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes.   Class size is limited to the first 40 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Friday, July 25. Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz, + offset, PL of 100.0 Hz, the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.      
Saturday, August 2
9:00 AM
 Packet Operations Type III, Part A
WhenSat, Aug 2, 9:00 AM -
Where700 All America Way, Sunnyvale
Description Course Details: Click here to visit the course description and download the course materials Attendees should have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials. Homework: For the post-class exercises, students will need to use a packet station to send and receive messages and answer questions about packet operations. The packet station can be one that the student owns or one that they borrow. It must be capable of connecting to at least one of the Packet BBSs via RF (2M, 220, or 440) Location of the training:  The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Click here for a map showing parking and the building entrance. NOTE: Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interactions, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes.   Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up.  Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz, + offset, PL of 100.0 Hz, the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.  
Thursday, August 14
7:00 PM
 EC/AEC Council Meeting
WhenThu, Aug 14, 7:00 PM -
WhereSanta Clara County EOC
Description Purpose: Discuss organizational and management ideas, strategies, best practices.  Synchronize planning, operations, expectations. Attendees: City ECs and AECs and county ADECs are welcome. Agenda: Quarterly Drill TBD Roundtable Location: Santa Clara County EOC, 4th Floor, 55 W Younger Ave., San Jose (Sheriff's Bldg) Parking: Please park in the lot across the street from the Sheriff's building. The front doors of the Sheriff's office are locked at 6pm. You will need to push the buzzer to the right of the double doors to gain entrance and provide your name.  We will provide a list of attendees before the meeting.  EVERYONE will need to sign up here in advance to be on that list by Monday evening 8/11.
Saturday, August 16
9:00 AM
 Field Operations Type III, Part B and Type II
WhenSat, Aug 16, 9:00 AM -
Where55 W. Younger Ave., San Jose
Description Prerequisites, Course Description, and Course Materials: See the Field Communicator Type III Part B and Type II page for complete information on prerequisites, course details, and to download the course materials. Attendees should have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials. Handouts will be updated a few days prior to the class. Location:  This class will be held in the Sheriff's Auditorium in the County Sheriff's building at 55 W. Younger Ave. in San Jose. Park in the large lot across the street from the building. Do not park in the smaller lot next to the building. NOTE: Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interactions, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes.   Class size is limited to the first 40 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Friday, August 16. Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz, + offset, PL of 100.0 Hz, the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.    
Saturday, August 23
9:00 AM
 ARES/RACES Communications Drill - COUNTY participation
WhenSat, Aug 23, 9:00 AM -
WhereSanta Clara County EOC
Description Santa Clara County and City Quarterly Drill. This sign-up is for participation at the county level. You MUST have approval from your EC first. Exercise Details: The drill description page will be provided prior to the drill. Schedule: 09:00 - Briefing 09:30 - Station setup and familiarization 10:00 - 12:00 - Drill Activity 12:00 - 13:00 - Clean-up and Debrief Positions: There will be two types of radio operators needed for the county radio room--Net control operators and packet operators. See individual position descriptions for prerequisite The net control position in the county radio room can be non-stop action, so preference is given to existing credentialed operators. Note: One Net Control must be an experienced NCO and able to handle a very busy net. This position must be approved by Staff The packet position in the county radio room is also non-stop action, plus you gain experience with a more complicated, two-station configuration. Again, preference is given to existing credentialed operators. We also have the need for some radio room support personnel to perform logging, EOC runner function, simulated message injection, and other functions. If you have volunteered in previous drills for a position in the last year, please let others have an opportunity to take that position first. If positions are still open 2 weeks prior to the drill, then at that time previous participants may sign up. Directions: The County EOC is located on the 4th floor of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's office, which is located at 55 W. Younger Ave., San Jose.  Park across the street. No permit is required on the weekend. Do NOT park in the visitor spots next to the Sheriff's office. The front door is locked on weekends, you will need to use the button on the right hand side of the double doors to get buzzed into the lobby. Enter the front door and go to the window on the left. Inform the deputy that you need to go up to the 4th Floor EOC for the drill. Your ID will be checked. You are on the pre-approved list which is based on the sign-ups on this page. The deputy will buzz you into the door to your right. Go through the door and up the elevator to the fourth floor. Exit the elevator to the left. You will see the doors for the EOC. Sign in at the reception counter. Then go down the hall to the right to find the radio room.   Sign-ups will close at 7am on Wednesday August 5th.  
Saturday, September 6
9:00 AM
 Cross-Band Repeating / Antenna Fundamentals
WhenSat, Sep 6, 9:00 AM -
WhereSNY Public Safety HQ main bldg
Description Two topics are covered in this class: Cross-Band Repeating and Antenna Fundamentals.   Follow this link for the description and class materials for the Cross-Band Repeating class. Follow this link for the description and class materials for the Antenna Fundamentals class. Note: There are separate presentations for the Cross-Band Repeating section and the Antenna Fundamentals section. Be sure to print out one of each set.  Attendees should have their own printed or electronic copy of the materials. Handouts may be updated prior to the class and those registered will be notified via email. Location of the training: The location for this training is Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Use the main entrance to the DPS building. Class attendess may need to show a photo ID (driver's license of agency-issued ID) to be admitted. NOTE:  Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interaction, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes. Class size is limited to the first 40 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Friday, September 5.
Saturday, September 20
9:00 AM
 Annual County-Wide Exercise
WhenSat, Sep 20, 9:00 AM -
Description            Detatils and sign-ups will be provided later.  
Saturday, October 4
9:00 AM
 Packet Operations Type III, Part B
WhenSat, Oct 4, 9:00 AM -
Where700 All America Way, Sunnyvale
Description Course Details: Click here to visit the course description and download the course materials Attendees should have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials. Homework: Packet Operations Type III, Part B is a follow-on course to Packet Operations Type III, Part A. It includes both lecture and hands-on packet activity. The lecture is focused on details of Outpost and PacFORMS setup. Message addressing within the Santa Clara County ARES/RACES BBS network is also discussed. For the post-class exercises, students will need to use a packet station to send and receive messages and answer questions about packet operations. The packet station can be one that the student owns or one that they borrow. It must be capable of connecting to at least one of the Packet BBSs via RF (2M, 220, or 440) Location of the training:  The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Click here for a map showing parking and the building entrance. NOTE: Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interactions, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes.   Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Friday, October 3.  Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz, + offset, PL of 100.0 Hz, the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.    
Wednesday, October 15
6:00 PM
 Introduction to Emergency Communications - NIGHT CLASS
WhenWed, Oct 15, 6:00 PM -
WhereSunnyvale Public Safety HQ
Description Congratulations! You just got your Ham Radio license and are anxious to get started... but how? There were plenty of new terms and concepts that you came across as you studied for your FCC exam, but what do they really mean? Puzzled by simplex vs. repeaters? Can't tell a PL tone from an offset? And, how do I get on the air with my radio? If this sounds like you, then this class – An Introduction to Emergency Communications – will give you plenty of the basics about your new hobby with hands-on exercises that should get you started with Ham Radio and Emergency Communications. This is the first of two basic courses designed to get new hams familiar with some common operating procedures, emergency communications, and getting on the air. Attendees must have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials.    Click here to see a printable flyer and the course materials Location of the training: The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Click here for a map showing parking and the building entrance. Class attendees may need to show a photo ID (Drivers License or Agency-issued ID) to be admitted.  Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, August 14. CLASS SIZE IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 30 WHO SIGN UP.             
Saturday, November 8
9:00 AM
 Packet Operations - Type II - Adv / Troubleshooting
WhenSat, Nov 8, 9:00 AM -
Where700 All America Way, Sunnyvale
Description Course Details: Click here to visit the course description and download the course materials Attendees should have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials. Handouts may be updated prior to the class, and those registered will be notified via email. Homework: For the post-class exercises, students will need to use a packet station to send and receive messages and answer questions about packet operations. The packet station can be one that the student owns or one that they borrow. It must be capable of connecting to at least one of the Packet BBSs via RF (2M, 220, or 440) Location of the training:  The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Click here for a map showing parking and the building entrance. NOTE: Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interactions, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes.   Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up.  Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz, + offset, PL of 100.0 Hz, the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.    
Wednesday, November 12
6:00 PM
 Fundamentals of Emergency Communications - NIGHT CLASS
WhenWed, Nov 12, 6:00 PM -
WhereSunnyvale Public Safety HQ
Description Can you describe all of the major nets used within Santa Clara County? Do you know which nets are used for mobilization and message passing? Can you describe the three operational levels of the Resource Net and the procedures for each level? Do you understand how all of the fields of the Message form are to be used? Do you know what you need in order to get started as a net control? This Fundamentals course covers basic operating principles that Santa Clara County hams responding as DSWs should know and understand. This is the second of two basic classes designed to get new hams feeling comfortable with city and county operating procedures. It is also an excellent introduction for experienced hams who are new to Santa Clara County operations and an excellent refresher for experienced Santa Clara County hams as well. Attendees must have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials.   Click here to see a printable flyer and the course materials Location of the training: The location for this training is the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety at 700 All America Way in Sunnyvale. Class attendees may need to show a photo ID (driver's license or agency-issued ID) to be admitted. Class size is limited to the first 30 people who sign up. Sign-ups will be closed at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, November 11.  
Thursday, November 13
7:00 PM
 EC/AEC Council Meeting
WhenThu, Nov 13, 7:00 PM -
WhereSanta Clara County EOC
Description Purpose: Discuss organizational and management ideas, strategies, best practices.  Synchronize planning, operations, expectations. Attendees: City ECs and AECs and county ADECs are welcome. Agenda: TBD Roundtable Location: Santa Clara County EOC, 4th Floor, 55 W Younger Ave., San Jose (Sheriff's Bldg) Parking: Please park in the lot across the street from the Sheriff's building. The front doors of the Sheriff's office are locked at 6pm. You will need to push the buzzer to the right of the double doors to gain entrance and provide your name.  We will provide a list of attendees before the meeting.  EVERYONE will need to sign up here in advance to be on that list by Monday evening 11/10.
Saturday, December 13
9:00 AM
 2025 End of Year Summary
WhenSat, Dec 13, 9:00 AM -
Where55 W. Younger, Ave., San Jose
Description This class presents any training material that was updated in the current year.  Missed a class but still want to know what's new?  You can attend this class to get a quick overview of this year's changes.  Note that this class is not a substitute for taking the original class - only updated material will be covered.  Agenda: The high-level agenda is similar each year, although the specific topics covered will vary year to year.  We cover the following: A summary of things that changed over the past year Reinforce key information or procedures Preview things to come in the new year Course Details: The course details page, and the course handouts will be available a few days prior to the class.  Attendees must have their own printed or electronic copy of the course materials.  Intended Audience: Any new or experienced ARES/RACES members. NOTE:  Depending on the number of participants, class questions and interaction, be prepared for the class to run over the scheduled time by up to 15 minutes. Location of the training: This class will be held in the Sheriff's Auditorium in the County Sheriff's building at 55 W. Younger Ave. in San Jose. Park in the large lot across the street from the building. Do not park in the smaller lot next to the building. NOTE: Sign-ups will close at 6:00 pm on Friday, December 12.  Class size is limited to the first 100 people who sign up.