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Santa Clara County ARES®/RACES
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Countywide Exercise & SET • Radio Programming-Introductory

Date: 09/28/19 Start: 8:00 AM End: 1:00 PM Location: Edith Morley Park, Campbell
Credential Credit (What's this?): Yes

Overall Event:  This is a county-wide communications exercise focused on emergency communications.  It is designed to provide participants with valuable in-field operating experience.  It will include several fun and challenging assignments.  This event will also serve as our annual ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) drill for 2019.

Scenario:  This activity is for those who need help with programming their radios.

It is common to have a radio that someone else configured for you or you programmed using computer software. That works well until you are in a situation of needing to use a station not already stored in your radio.  This activity will give you a "cheat sheet", and practice using it for contacting stations not already stored in your HT or mobile radio. The cheat sheet will be on paper as well as a file that you can download onto your smart device.
We will include a list of stations for you to contact during this event as practice using what you have just learned.
The instruction will be one-on-one using your own radio. We will have a collection of all the most popular HTs and mobile radios, so you can see how other radios are programmed if you are curious.

Location:  Edith Morley Park, Campbell

DSW:  You need a County DSW registration to participate. If you do not have a valid County DSW registration you will be able to register for DSW at the event.

More Details:  Visit the drill page for additional details and overall schedule.  Make sure you understand the schedule and the need to arrive at the drill location 30 minutes before your shift begins.

The following positions are available for this event. You can state your preference when you sign up for the event. The event coordinator will attempt to accommodate your request. Based on the event and its requirements, the event coordinator may move hams to positions other than those requested.

Click on a position title for a description of the specific requirements for that position

Learn to program my radioyes
Please log in if you want to participate in this event.