Packet TNC/Radio Deviation Tune-Up |
Date: 12/13/14 | Start: 12:00 PM | End: 1:30 PM | Location: SNY Public Safety HQ |
Credential Credit (What's this?): No |
This event is separate from the 2014 Year End Class. You must sign up separately.
Following the 2014 Year End class, we will have a calibrated service monitor available for anyone who wishes to check their TNC/radio for deviation or other parameters. We will have 120V AC and 12V DC (Powerpoles) available. We will also have adapters to connect to SMA, BNC, UHF and N-type connectors on your radio's antenna port.
If you wish to check/adjust your radio/TNC, come prepared with:
- Radio (no antenna is required)
- TNC-to-radio cable
- TNC-to-PC cable
- PC with PuTTY or Outpost/Ipserial or other terminal emulator
- Knowledge of how to put your TNC into calibration mode and produce mark and space or square-wave tones
- Knowledge of how to set your radio frequency, tone, etc.
- Unless you are an expert with your TNC and radio, it is recommended to bring the manuals for both
Important notes:
- If you wish to attend, you MUST sign up in advance. The Sunnyvale PD will not admit people who have not signed up.
- Please arrive on time. Anytime between 12:00 and 12:30 is fine. We can not let you in before noon because the 2014 Year End training class will still be in session and the room will be at capacity. If you arrive too late, we may not have time to work on your system before we have to vacate the room.
Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety HQ. That location is given below. The GPS coordinates for the "Front Door" of Sunnyvale Dept. of Public Safety HQ are: N 37 22.2412 W 122 2.4012 The physical street address is: 700 All America Way Cross Street is Olive Ave. Thomas Brothers Map 832-D1 Class attendees will be admitted by showing their agency issued ID, to the Records staff.