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Santa Clara County ARES®/RACES
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End of Year Summary (NIGHT CLASS)

Date: 12/13/12 Start: 6:00 PM End: 9:00 PM Location: Santa Clara County EOC
Credential Credit (What's this?): Yes

12-06-2012 UPDATE - The course handouts are posted - PQM  This class will take place. The location is the Santa Clara County EOC, located at 55 West Younger Ave., San Jose, CA. 95110.  Suite 430 (4th floor).  Park in the lot across from the Sherif's Office and come in the main door. Go left and check in with the Deputy.  He will issue you a visotor's pass and direct you to the elevators once he lets you through the secure doors. Exit the elevator on the 4th floor, go left and then your first right.  Down the hall and the first door on your left is the EOC. 

The course description and handouts are available via the link below.

Click here to see a printable flyer and the course handouts
(PDF format) 

Intended Audience: Any new or experienced hams or MACs that took any of the core courses presented in 2011 timeframe.   This class is intended to provide updates on any new or updated materials presented in 2012.  It is NOT intended to be a review for already presented core classes.  This class will be different year to year as we update existing classes or add new materials.

Attendees should bring their own printed copy of the handouts.  No handouts will be available at the training.

Class size is limited to the first 55 people that sign up.

Note: 90% or better class time attendance required for credit.

Instructor: County Training Staff

Please log in if you want to participate in this event.