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Santa Clara County ARES®/RACES
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Event Detail and Sign Up

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Los Gatos/Monte Sereno ARES/RACES Communication Drill

Date: 02/22/25 Start: 9:45 AM End: 12:15 AM Location: Town EOC and local ICPs
Credential Credit (What's this?): No

This is the sign-up page for Los Gatos/Monte Sereno-affiliated hams and others to participate in Los Gatos/Monte Sereno's event related to the Feb 22 Santa Clara County quarterly exercise. 

The scenario is a wildfire in the foothills to the South of Kennedy Rd in LG and Route 9 in MS. Several of the LG & MS CERT ICPs will be staffed (KN, VDM, CC, AG, NSC, VAS, BEL, LGA).

The LG/MS EOC will be in communication with the SCC EOC via packet and voice and in communication with the ICPs using voice.

At this time we are taking sign ups only for the EOC. As Feb 22 approaches, we will provide specific tasks, e.g., NCO, Field Operator, etc., from which volunteers can choose and we will try to accomodate. 

In addition to more experienced hams getting the opportunity to use their radios, we also hope to provide mentoring opportuniuties for our less-experienced hams.


Please log in if you want to participate in this event.