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Santa Clara County ARES®/RACES
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Monthly Packet Message Passing Exercise

Date: 02/19/25 Start: 9:00 AM End: 11:30 PM Location: SCC BBS Packet Network
Credential Credit (What's this?): Yes

The Monthly Packet Message Passing Exercise will be commence on the third Wednesday of most months. 

Reading the Training page for this practice is required before signing up for the event.  If you have read the training page before, please review any New and Updated items before signing up.

The practice starts at 09:00 on the Wednesday scheduled for the event. The practice ends at 17:00 on the following Tuesday afternoon.  A "review and debrief" Zoom meeting MAY be held at 19:30 on the following Wednesday, if scheduled (i.e., one week after the start date). Information will be provided in the assignment email.

Basic practice-flow logistics:

  • An assignment email will be sent to those that signed up before 20:00 on the Tuesday evening prior to the Wednesday start.
    • This email includes both assignment and local briefing information.  Use your local briefing assignment information (e.g., tactical packet call assighment) only for the duration of this practice session.
    • The assignment email should be sent out prior to 09:00 Wednesday.
  • Do not start the assignment until both of the following are true:
    • It is on/after the 09:00 Wednesday start time, and
    • You have received the assignment email.
  • Complete the practice at your own timing and pace.  Your personal operational period will start when you check-in to the Xanadu EOC and will end when you have completed your ICS-309 for turn-in to the instructor.
  • Reminder: read all BBS notices (XSCPERM, XSCEVENT, and XND@XSC "city" notices before checking in to the practice net.

Please email the instructor, IF:

  • You signed up before Tuesday 20:00, it is now Wednesday at 09:00 or later and you didn't receive an assignment email (it can take several hours), or
  • You signed up for the event after the Tuesday 20:00 evening prior, or
  • Have to drop or cannot complete the event for any reason.

Instructor for this month: Mark Laubach, K6FJC -at- ARRL -dot- NET


Late sign-ups are accepted for this event.  However, you must notify the instructor by Internet email in order to receive the assignment for this practice.  The instructor will try to respond to late signup requests within 24 hours of email receipt. 


After the end of the practice, event participation will be recorded for each participant that signed up for a position that qualifies for credential credit.  Refer to the Training page for detailed information.

The following positions are available for this event. You can state your preference when you sign up for the event. The event coordinator will attempt to accommodate your request. Based on the event and its requirements, the event coordinator may move hams to positions other than those requested.

Click on a position title for a description of the specific requirements for that position

OutpostPM Station41
PackItForms Manual21
Packet shell Manual25
Manual other.25
Just for Fun9
Please log in if you want to participate in this event.