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Equipment and Radio Familiarity Credential Checks

Date: 12/14/24 Start: 12:00 PM End: 2:30 PM Location: Sheriff's Office Parking Lot
Credential Credit (What's this?): No

The activity is for those that need an equipment and/or a radio familiarity check for a Credential. It will be held immediately following the Year End class. You do not need to attend the End Of Year class in order to participate in these checks; however, the starting time for the checks may vary slightly, depending on the ending time of the class.

You will need to bring all of your Go-Kit equipment for the credential level you need checked and all lower levels of equipment.  For example, if you need an F1 Equipment check you also need to bring F2 and F3 required items.  If you need a P2, you also need Field level equipment as well.  Read the credential requirements to make sure you bring all the necessary items.

After you sign-up, please send an email to with a Subject of: EQUIPMENT CHECK.  Include your name, call sign and which Equipment Check(s) you need :  Example: F1, P2, N3, S2, MAC, etc.  C4 checks are done by your city EC and are not offered at this event.

This activity will be held outdoors in the Sheriff's Office Parking lot, 55 W Younger Ave., SJ, where equipment can be easily accessed from your vehicle. If the weather is a problem we can work under the solar panels or we might have to move into the Sheriff's Auditorium.

NOTE:  This activity is only for those who have completed most of the requirments for a credenital, or are near to doing so.  Equipment and Knowledge checks are only valid for 12 months. There is no point in doing it now unless you are close to completion of a credential and plan to complete the other requirements within 12 months.

Sign-ups will close at 9:00 am on Friday December 13th.

The following positions are available for this event. You can state your preference when you sign up for the event. The event coordinator will attempt to accommodate your request. Based on the event and its requirements, the event coordinator may move hams to positions other than those requested.

Click on a position title for a description of the specific requirements for that position

Credential Evaluatorsyes
Equipment/Knowledge checkyes
Please log in if you want to participate in this event.